A few words about me

From 2018 to 2021 I completed a doctoral thesis in management sciences devoted to the governance of non-profit organisations.

Since September 2022, I have been an Associate Professor at the Bordeaux University School of Management. I am the Head of the Master’s programme in Non-profit Management as well as the Management mention (which involves the coordination of 4 Master’s degrees in lifelong education) and Deputy Head of the CSR research axis of our laboratory. I have been in charge of the Master’s programme in CSR Management from September 2022 to August 2025.

My teaching areas are in line with my current field of research (governance, non-profit management [e.g. strategy, performance management], CSR) and I also offer lectures on management research methods and theories.

My research areas

My research areas are divided into several themes (here is the list of my publications):

  • governance: accountability, stakeholder management, formal and informal mechanisms, …
  • overall performance: resilience, sustainability, ethics, responsibilities, …
  • sectoral management: non-profit organisations, public sector, arts sector, third sector, …

I am also involved with several journals. I am an Associate Editor in charge of Opinion Pieces for the Journal of Philanthropy and a member of the Editorial Board of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. I also joined the Early Career Review Board of the Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change.

Non-profit governance – Twelve Frameworks for Organisations and Research is my first international collective book. No fewer than seventeen researchers have contributed to this book, which is undoubtedly one of the first to propose twelve theoretical and practical frameworks derived from ISO 37000 for non-profit governance.

My commitments for NPOs

Finally, I am involved with NPOs in networks that study and support them.

In particular, I am Vice-President of Recherches & Solidarités, an « associative network of experts at the service of all forms of solidarity » specialising in the production and dissemination of information and studies on French NPOs. In particular, I am responsible for developing the academic value of our surveys.

I am also a member of the Scientific Committee of the French Institute for Civil Society Organisations.

More in English ? Visit my ResearchGate and Google Scholar.