Sont ici référencés les articles de recherche publiés dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture.
Plaisance, G. (2025). Self-assessment of governance bodies and organizational impact in the non-profit sector: the case of a French advocacy organization. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 24(1), 74-106 (ABS 1, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2024). Accountability in French non-profit organizations: between paradox and complexity. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 25(3), 420-447 (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. et Portal, M. (2024). Le concept de soutenabilité dans le secteur public : par-delà les enjeux budgétaires. Politiques et Management Public. (FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. (2024). Nonprofit Governance in times of Covid-19: should Organizations change their Practices and Strategy in the Middle of a Crisis? Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 20(3), 536-559 (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2024). French grassroots volunteer organizations and prospective: challenges and avenues for nonprofit research. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 29(2), e1839 (ABS 1, ABDC B)
Plaisance, G. (2023). Towards relational governance of internal stakeholders in grassroots volunteer organizations: when engagement is not enough. International Management, 27(1), 86-102. (FNEGE 2).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Accroître l’impact perçu des associations : le rôle des mécanismes spontanés et spécifiques de gouvernance. Gestion et Management Public, 11(3), 97-120 (FNEGE 2).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Which stakeholder matters: overall performance and contingency in nonprofit organizations. International Studies of Management and Organization, 53(3), 125-147 (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Governance and accountability weaknesses in French nonprofit organizations: are they a national exception?. International Journal of Public Administration, 46(5), 354–372 (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. (2023). L’impact de la gouvernance sur les engagements sociaux et environnementaux des organisations à but non lucratif : une analyse quantitative des données de 182 associations françaises. RIMHE – Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise, 12(51), 3-24. (FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Nonprofit organizations one year after the Covid-19 crisis: understanding how the French voluntary sector is opening up to adaptations related to societal orientation. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 35(3), 542-555. (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Governing a union’s external stakeholders: a prioritization method based on relationship quality and perceived impact. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 94(1), 75-108 (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Governance in non-profit organisations: a plural or ambiguous research field? Bibliometrics and definitions of a broad concept. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 17(6), 619-653 (ABS 2, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2023). À l’approche de Paris 2024, que sait-on de la gouvernance et de la performance des Jeux Olympiques ? Une critique de l’approche actuelle du CIO. Vie & Sciences de l’Entreprise, 3(218), 35-50 (FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Vaccine strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic: a Community Engaged Research supporting a policy oriented towards nonprofit organizations and volunteers. Public Organization Review, 23, 79-95 (ABS 2, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2023). French non-profit organizations at the end of a lockdown: the relevance of differentiated policies. International Journal of Social Economics, 50(10), 1357-1374 (ABS 1, ABDC B, HCERES B).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Evaluation in nonprofit organizations: a defense of perception as a managerial and scientific tool. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 28(4), e1807 (ABS 1, ABDC B).
Plaisance, G. (2023). Improving relationship quality with stakeholders to increase nonprofit organizations’ impact: the mediating role of students’ contributions. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 35 (5), 521-552 (ABS 1).
Plaisance, G. (2022). Les associations françaises face à la crise du Covid-19 : une approche par les ressources et les parties prenantes. Management International, 26(spécial), 101-129 (FNEGE 2).
Plaisance, G. (2022). Restructuration, projet associatif, nouvelle stratégie : les déterminants des réorientations des associations françaises en temps de crise. Gestion 2000, 39(5), 37-63 (FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. (2022). French nonprofit organizations after one year of Covid-19: insights into organizational resilience. Journal of General Management (ABS 1, ABDC B, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2022). Resilience in arts and cultural nonprofit organizations: an analysis of the Covid-19 crisis in France. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33(5), 1015–1034 (ABS 2, ABDC B, FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2022). The effects of stakeholder presence in French non-profit organizations’ reports on governance and accountability. Management et Sciences Sociales, 33, 75-98 (FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2022). Maintenir sa gouvernance en temps de crise : les associations face à la pandémie. Revue Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise, 26-27, 270-294 (FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2021). Nonprofit organizations in times of Covid-19: an overview of the impact of the crisis and associated needs. Gestion 2000, 38(6), 43-66 (FNEGE 4).
Plaisance, G. (2021). Que nous apprennent les Référentiels de Gouvernance Associative en France par rapport à la littérature ? Une analyse lexicométrique. Finance, Contrôle, Stratégie, NS-11 (FNEGE 3).
Plaisance, G. (2021). Evaluar sin medios: el caso del impacto de las organizaciones no lucrativas. Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección, 32 (Medición y gestión del impacto social de las organizaciones), ACCID.
Plaisance, G. (2021). French Nonprofit Organizations Facing COVID-19 and Lockdown: Maintaining a Socio-Political Role in Spite of the Crisis of Resource Dependency. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 12 (S1: Crisis, Pandemic, and Beyond: Nonprofits and the Adaptive Capability of Communities), 65-81.